
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lucky 13

I swear this little guy is rethinking this whole thing. Not only did I not progress as of Monday I went down on the scale AGAIN! How is that possible??

Sorry for those who think this is too much information but I don't know how to explain this any other way...
When my doctor tried to check me he couldn't even get into my cervix to determine what I was at!

Tyler & I worked so hard on Friday night to get everything or as much as possible done off my "To Do" list, and we were very successful. Ty knew how stressed I was with the length of the list and he was such a great help.

When I woke up on Monday morning I just FINALLY felt really calm about things and felt like if this baby came now I would be more than okay with that, even though my house wasn't vacuumed and not everything was in it's exact place.

So I promised Tyler that if the Dr asked if he could strip my membranes I would let him, even though I thought in my head I bet I have not even progressed. This is only because after cramping and minor contractions all weekend long 2 weeks ago & the thought that there is no way I hadn't progressed it was a bummer to hear that I went down on the scale.
So this time I thought reverse thinking will do the trick, but I think I have just jinxed my self now for sure.
After the most Painful exam yet I asked him "so did you strip my membranes?" thinking he must have because I wanted to cry, The doctor just looked at me said he couldn't even get into my cervix therefore he was calling it a down hill progression and that the only way to strip your membranes is in the cervix!!
He then talked to me about what day they would induce me if he hasn't come yet.... Monday October 13th! That sounds forever away!! Wait it is! So this is the day I am now planning for! My birthday is the 13th of June & you don't hear of too many People with birthdays that are on the 13th of a month so I think that would be a fun number! So this has become our new lucky number!
I guess the reason they have to wait till what sounds and seems like forever is because unless something is wrong with your pregnancy (knock on wood we have had a great pregnancy) the hospital will not let Doctors induce until 8 days past their due date because the chance of a c-section sky rockets! Is my doctor BSing me?? Well 8 days past my due date lands on a Sunday and NO doctor wants to come in and work so he told me it would have to be Monday! I asked if there was anyway to be induced Friday because then Tyler won't have to take off as much work but I didn't do a good job of convincing him! I have never wanted to be induced so I really hope he gets rid of the stubborn attitude and gives in and comes sooner than later! Only if he's ready that is.

When I called Tyler to tell him the news he was more than devastated!! Poor thing! And if you look at my last post his guess was September 30th! Sorry Ty! I told this little guy you just need to wait until after Wednesday because I have always wanted an October baby! Looks like I will get my wish for sure now! But that didn't make Tyler too happy!

I have been joking with a couple people the last few days that ask me if he's "still cookin?" I just tell them "Yes... the oven is still lit!" They have joked with me since I am so finiky about everything being cooked "Well Done" He is just going to wait to come just how I like them "Well Done." I don't doubt them! I feel like he knows I want him to come now!

The excitement has definitely hit especially since out of 4 people I was due with (only within a couple of days) have already had their little bundles of joy it just makes the anticipation that much worse!

We still have 3 days until my due date so I am still being pretty patient at this point, I am just not sure how much longer Tyler can take! He is now not sleeping very well because he is so nervous/excited that my water is going to break or that I am going to go into labor through the night. I tell him every morning that "I promise I won't go without you!" I can't wait to start this next adventure with Tyler and our little baby boy! Cross your fingers the next update will be pictures of the 3 of us!


Ann Mitchell said...

Hey, Amanda,
Good luck with the baby! I found your blog from Ginay's blog. Check out my class blog: missmitchellsfabulousfifthgrade.blogspot.com
I have to have Ginay's jr high sister help me out! She's very good out!

Chandra said...

AWWWWW! Well don't worry about the vacuuming cuz you'll be in the hospital for 3 days and the R.S. can totally step in and blitz your house! (free help!) :-) So, when I was large and in charge and begging to "Get the baby out!" people told me to go on long walks up and down the street with one foot in the curb and one in the street. It gets the baby to move down and gets those contractions going! woohoo! My water started to trickle on my due date but they still had to pump me with petocin. (cuz I was at the hospital and not progressing 'fast enough') If I could do it all over again I would have walked it out at home until my contractions were 5 mins apart. But that's just me. Once your at the hospital and your leaking fluid they wont let you go home (or eat... or drink) cuz it's a liability. Anyhoo, long walks k? Good luck!!!!!

The Woody's Fam said...



The Watson's said...

Well you know I went a week over due and it was not fun. My doctor wouldn't induce me until 42 weeks. I was rather upset, but she came at 40 weeks and 5 days. I took the advice of other people and I went on a date with my husband almost every night the last week I was pregnant. So my advice is to get out and have fun. See movies & got to dinner! Before you know it you will be thinking that your pregnancy flew by, TRUST ME!

P.S. Thanks for your thoughts about my grandpa. I know he loved your family!

Candice and Tim Peterson said...

Well sounds like you might have a few long days ahead of you. At least you aren't incredibly uncomfortable. I'll keep you and your little family in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck and post when you can (I love to hear about your progress)!!

Unknown said...

Its about time that you are ready for him to come! Seeing other little bundles of joy will do the trick. We live in a University Ward and there were 4 babies that were due at almost the same time. And when our neighbor had their little girl, it was at that point that we started to get impatient. Tyler sounds so cute about the whole thing. Good luck I can't wait to see pictures of the beautiful little boy!

Cheryl said...

I am so sorry Amanda. I would totally be a mess right now if that happened to me. You are a very brave woman.

Just FYI I was induced with both of my kids and there really isn't anything to be worried about. Things will happen when and how they are supposed to. Just hang in there.

Cody and Heather Olsen said...

ok so i have been told doctors do wait to induce you until a week after your due date. but i was set to be induced a week early! but i was dilated to 4 and a half for 3 weeks! so i didnt want to be induced either. i was set to be induced on july 23, but on the night of the 22 logan decided he wanted to come on his own! dont worry i bet braxton will come on his own! i am so excited for you and ty! i do have to say that having a baby boy is the best! good luck and if you need anything call me!

Ash & Paul said...

oh....i remember those feelings of being so anxious!! Good luck with everything!!

Nielsen Family said...

with both of my pregnacies I didnt get one contraction or one anything until they were REAL. Then about 5 hours later.. 4 hours with my last baby, I had them in my arms. This isn't typical but don't be sad if you are not progressing, you never know how fast you will progress when you start progressing.