
Monday, June 16, 2008

Six Months!

Today I had my 6 Month check up! Everything is still looking GREAT! My Blood pressure is getting back on track. Still a little bit lower than normal for me but they say its better to be low than high, so I will take it and run. The doctor told me my swelling is due to the heat. Last week during the cold streak I was able to put back on my wedding ring but today I have resorted back to the fake one! A lot of the swelling has decided to settle in my face. Not the best spot I feel nor would have chosen or hoped for. This is why I am not as picture happy as I use to be. So to the many that have requested I post pictures of how "BIG" I am getting (I hope they mean my belly)! Here it is! (sorry I had to resort to taking a picture of myself this time around.)

I am still loving and enjoying every second of pregnancy & still could not be more anxious for this one thing in my life! It has been very fun & exciting the past 4 weeks to see the changes and to feel him move more and more. He is very active & has moved up into my ribs now. It's not to the point where it hurts yet but startles me more than ever. It tickles to some extent, it feels a little like the thump you feel when you get your reflexes checked.
He is usually more active during the day while I am sitting at work and at nights when I am laying down to go to sleep. So while I am here at work I have to try and not giggle too loud when I feel him. Some times I just can't help it! Tyler is able to feel him completely now and he is enjoying every second of every kick! I am getting to the point now where you can see movement while I am laying down. Tyler's reaction has been so fun to watch while he witnesses this! Makes me even more excited to see what's to come.
This poor little guy has had many cases of the hiccups already, but it kept us entertained yesterday during sacrament meeting as we watched my stomach twitch about every 1-2 seconds! I am sure people were wondering what in the world we were doing!
I have been making a goal list to accomplish before he arrives. I have never wanted to be such a better person than I have since the day I found out I was pregnant! Being such a HUGE example to someone scares me to death. I have a lot of things to check off the list and hope I can get them all done in time. I am also hoping this helps the time pass just a little faster as well!
I am getting very anxious to buy things for this little one but am trying to hold out until after my showers, but I couldn't resist with this purchase and just had post a picture of what I bought!!
I would have to say this has been my most FAVORITE purchase yet!!


Cody and Heather Olsen said...

oh my goodness those shoes are so cute!!! it is so fun to shop for little boys! i am so excited to have a boy too. they will be so fun! you look so pretty! you are at the fun point now where you can feel him alot. i have 3 weeks to go! enjoy now cause when you get where i am you are just always uncomfortable! but it will be all worth it when our little guys get here!

CharLee Carn said...

Look how cute your belly is!!! I love it! I'm so excited for you two! I'm excited what your little guy will look like!

Lexi said...

Amanda you are so cute prego! I love the baby shoes!!! I need a baby!

kelsey and murray said...

Amanda you are so darling pregnant! I am so excited for you and Tyler. Hey by the way have you moved yet? Are you going to come to our ward?

Skylar and Janie Topham said...

HEY!!!! Amanda I'm so glad you found our blog... I had no idea you had one! hahaha you're right about Skylar... I've read his texts from Tyler and I see that he asks about how I'm doing... I really appreciate that... I ask sky how you're doing too... I don't know if he's even asked Tyler! hahaha But how are you doing??? You look way cute! I want to talk to ya so tell Tyler to text your number to Skylar so I have your number... that way we don't have to communicate through our husbands hehe

Brooks.Karlie.Mac said...

You are looking so cute! And those shoes are darling! I don't care what people say, shopping for boys is so much fun!

Tyler and Kilee said...

Absolutely love the shoes!! And speaking of showers when are you thinking? I know its kind of a ways out but I want to start planning it :o) I would suggest to do it at least a month before your due date if not a couple weeks earlier so you can see what stuff you still need to get and feel some what ready in case the baby comes early and plus, at this point you still feel decent and want to socialize :o) Let me know!!

Ormond Family said...

Amanda! Congratulations on such a wonderful life! You will love having kids and what a fun mom you will be!
Michelle Ormond(your old cheer coach)

McKenzie... said...

PS.....Amanda we MISS you everyday of our lives out here!:) Sorry I forgot to include that in my post. But it's true.

Sherilyn said...

Happy Be-lated birthday Amanda! I hope you had a wonderful day! I was thinking about you on your special day. Your blog is adorable, and you look so cute being pregnant! Can't wait to meet Braxton! Cute, cute shoes. Babies are the best!

Unknown said...

Wassup you two gangsta's? 6 months pregnant, where have I been? Out of the loop like always I guess. You two lil rascals will make great parents. we miss you guys. It'll be fun to see ya. Nicole says that you look beautiful Amanda. Your pretty cute too tyler :)

Prina Family said...

I think we do do more this year. Its been fun! There i soooo much to do here. I am excited to come back though. Please post more pictures of your cute belly!
P.s. I have a huge problem buying Kyler clothes and shoes. It makes me so happy! Im going to be in big trouble if i ever have a girl!