
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday Thoughts...

I am just having one of those days where all I can think about is how blessed my life is! Life can get pretty hard sometimes & make us want to quit I will agree but I just can't help but count my blessings today! I was thinking about writing them all down so I can look at them on the days I am low and I decided I needed to write a few of them on my blog since I am on here quite often!

I am so Grateful for my sweet husband.

I really do not know where I would be with out him. He is such a strength in my life. I just love him so much. He is the sweetest most patient thing you will meet and I really needed someone in my life like that. With me the patience doesn't come as easily and I feel it's lessened with this pregnancy. He is truly my best friend! Thank you for loving me unconditionally everyday Ty. I love you!

I am so Grateful to be pregnant!

I have ALWAYS wanted to be a Mom. I am truly so blessed to carry a child and be trusted to raise him. I can't believe how many women are not able to carry a child. I know greater things are in store for them & one day they will find that same joy. This little baby has really made me want to be a better person. I have had a really great pregnancy. I really can't complain! I was a little sick the first trimester but not as sick as some and can't believe how bad it can get! I can't believe how much I love this little guy I have not yet met but can not wait! I pray everyday that my pregnancy will go great and I will be able to carry him full term and that he will be healthy! I love being pregnant! Nothing has been more exciting!

I am so Grateful for Family!

I just love our families! They are our lives! Where in the wold would we be or survive without them! They are ALWAYS there for us in a drop of a hat! I just love my parents! They are the most amazing people I have ever met! I have BIG shoes to fill. My Mom is truly Wonder Women! I don't know how she does it! I just pray I can be even an ounce of her one day! I LOVE YOU MOM! For my Dad... he is so wonderful! I love spending time with him! I have always had a spacial bond with him and wouldn't trade it for the world!! He is so knowledgeable in every way he amazes me!! I swear he can do anything!

I truly just have the most incredible parents ever! How did I get so lucky?? We love you guys! Thanks for all you do!

I am so Grateful for the Gospel in my life!
Truly this is my foundation! I feel sorry for those who have to go without it in this life! We are so LUCKY! The gospel truly makes our lives flow each and everyday! I am so grateful to have it in my life. I am so grateful for a husband who is always worthy. I am so grateful for the priesthood. I am so grateful to live in Utah I know the church is outside of Utah but I am so grateful to live here and feel safe everyday & be surrounded by great people!

I just can't believe how blessed I am! This makes me never want to complain again!


The Browers said...

That is a beautiful post. Some times we all need to remember the great things in our lives since it is very easy to dwell on the hard things.

Kinda random but is your husband related to Murry ?

Anonymous said...

That was so great, I think we all could be a LOT more grateful for our blessings. Your awesome, thanks for always being so nice and friendly to everyone. You are such a good person!

The Woody's Fam said...

I am a firm believer in the fact that we did something in the pre-existence to desire our lives here today. It is so wonderful that you can realize what a blessed life you live. Just remember little Braxton must have done some pretty important things in the war in heaven to come to such a loving family!!!

Jobi Niu said...

Wow! I love reading your blog! YOu're so sweet AManda! :)

CharLee Carn said...

Well hello there!Its CharLee and Jeff Carn, I was looking through blogs and happened to find yours somehow which i was really excited to see! Congratulations on being a future mom! How exciting is that? Hope everything is going good, hope to keep in touch, our blog is jccarn.blogspot.com! Talk to you soon.

Parrish Family said...

Amanda, I totally remember who you are! How did you find my blog? You look so cute. And you are going to have a baby. Yeah! What have you been doing since the good old days of Snow College?

Prina Family said...

Hello! I want to get picture updates so bad but i dont get picture mail on my phone! Maybe you could e-mail me some? I miss you, Hope your doing well! Sounds like you are.

CharLee Carn said...

Your background is way cute I like it alot! Where I did my pictures is called picnik.com and its for free, if you want to upgrade it then it costs but the one thats free works just great! Check it out and let me know how it goes!