
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baby Update...

I have had quite a few people request for me to have baby/pregnancy updates posted on here so here is the first! Better late than never.

I have been feeling flutters for the past week which has been so much fun. Tyler is anxious to feel them too, and sad it will be about another month or so until he can actually feel something when his hands are on my belly.
I am really excited to feel more movement and hope every day that i just might. But... only being an inch wide doesn't help with feeling much. He is still pretty little.

Yesterday I had my monthly doctor appointment as scheduled. It was the most amazing thing to hear the baby's heart beat after finding out it was a little boy. It made my heart melt. I was so excited. It's nice to finally know who that little baby is and identify it correctly instead of calling it "IT"
I never thought I would be the type to decide so strongly on one name before a baby was born. I always pictured going to the hospital with a few names & deciding there, but both Tyler and I absolutely love and agree on this name so we decided to go with it. As for now (Hopefully, because I change my mind too often) we are going with...
Braxton Tyler Tucker. Hopefully he looks like a Braxton. =) Especially for Tyler's nephews. They are dead set on it. The day after we told Ty's family my sister in-law Jaime asked if we had any names in mind so I told her and the next day we had Preston(2) demand it was baby Braxton. He had called it that from day one & if asked if it's a girl he even gets a little more demanding and says "NO baby Braxton!" So good thing it's a boy huh!

I have heard both sides to this situation. Many say its better to name the baby so you get to know it and bond with it while pregnant and have it become that person, and many say to wait and name it when you first see it. I am just not sure but I know we are pretty set on the name and hey I have never done this before so I guess we will give it a shot! =)

Can we say Sciatic Nerve...
I did not sleep very well last night!! I kept thinking I was sleeping too long on my left side and it it had just fallen asleep in a weird throbbing, stinging, burning way. Soon after waking up I realized what it was. My mom told me this morning she had it really bad through all of her pregnancies. GREAT! ha ha! Its still throbbing as we speak and I hope it at least calms down a little. If any one knows any tricks to helping this PLEASE SHARE!


Cheryl said...

I was totally the same as you. I never saw myself naming my baby ahead of time. But that is exactly what I have done both times. I personally like it better because then you can call it a name, and not "IT". I always hate it when people do that. You just have to do what works for you. With Conner I was totally afraid that when he came out he wouldn't look like a Conner, but he totally did. Good luck. And don't stress too much about it.

Tyler and Kilee said...

Well I'm the exact opposite. I thought I'd have a name picked out but we just have to see him! Only a couple more days hopefully! Love the name...it matches your little family perfect!

Katie said...

Hey... my sciatic nerve hurts too. I've noticed that sleeping with a huge body pillow inbetween my legs is great... but you have to make sure your hips are square. If that makes sense. Also, don't cross your legs when you sit all day... this has helped me too!!! Get a massage, or get adjusted.... always so nice!

Sherilyn said...

Hey, Congrats on the baby boy ! I think Braxton sounds like a great name for him! I agree with Katie Jo. Go to the chiropractor, get a massage, because it is a great help. Have Tyler massage your legs at night for a more restful night. You deserve a little pampering!

Unknown said...

Tyler! I haven't seen or talked to you in so long, first congrats on getting married....how long now? I was skimming threw your blog and saw that you guys are expecting! That is awesome! Being parents is the best!!! Write back and let me know how you are!!!