
Friday, November 13, 2009

Latest Obsessions!

If you dropped by our house on any given day you are pretty much guaranteed to catch Braxton doing 1 of 3 things if not all 3 at once! There is no way to put these in order or tell you which on is his favorite because there is no way him or I could even choose!

I would have to say this little boy is beyond obsessed with oral hygiene! We can not keep a toothbrush out of his mouth! He always thinks he needs at least 2 one for each hand if not more! He loves to brush my teeth as well and gets upset if I don't let him!

Next... The TELEPHONE! It doesn't matter what kind or even if he has to use his own hand to talk he will walk around the house carrying on conversation after conversation. Doesn't matter what time of day or what he is doing even while eating (as you can tell in the picture) He loves to talk on the phone! He mostly calls Daddy but he loves to call "Gumma" and "Papa" as well. The second he hears a phone ring or sees one that's all it takes! I always thought "He must think I am one boring mom because he never calls me to talk" but finally I watched him one day as he picked up my cell phone and said "Ello Manda" ( He hasn't really ever called me mom or mamma unless something is terribly wrong or hurting him its always been Manda since day one! I think it's cute but sometimes I really do just want to be called mom!

Next Up... The BROOM! He loves to pick things up no matter what it is and put it in front of the broom so he can sweep it up! The kid loves to clean what can I say he loves wiping off things with wipes or rags (I pray this lasts) but he truly needs the broom or the vacuum if he sees it! I don't have a picture of him with the vacuum but his favorite thing is to chase the vacuum then climb on and go for a ride while while I am trying to clean! I started letting him do this since he was about 5 months! Now he's getting a little too heavy for me to push and the vacuum belt starts to smell if he gets on! I am trying to break this habit right now!


Ty and I were Hunters and Braxton was a Bear! I did not get one good shot of him in his costume by him self! So this will have to do!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Family Pictures

Monday, July 6, 2009

Here we go again!

I am so over due for an update! 
So I thought I would share some recent pictures to catch us up!

This summer has been CRAZY!! We have been out of town every other week or two since May! I can't complain because it has been so much fun and who doesn't like vacation right?  We have done a lot of fun things and we have enjoyed every bit of summer! 

Tyler is loving his break from a full schedule this summer! He is completing an internship right now in the PR department at XanGo  and loving every single second of it! He is learning a lot and so thankful for the opportunity! He will be returning to school full time in the Fall.
Braxton, Braxton, Braxton.... Where to start with this little guy! He is such a joy and such a busy little thing! Some days I feel like I can't catch my breath from chasing him all day! He is just everywhere and into everything!!  He is starting to stand on his own after pulling him self up and just about ready to take that first step! Not sure when it will be and when he will actually be walking but I feel like it will be a lot sooner then I had planned! Our poor little Braxton just hasn't been cut any brakes this past little while! It's been one thing after another! He had 2 ear infections in June, caused by teething he has 4 coming in right now that are so close! Then last Monday, June 29th I won the "Worst Mom EVER Award!" Braxton decided to try the stairs for the FIRST TIME and ended up conquering the whole flight! Once he reached the top he came tumbling right down! Split the top of his head right opened and was rushed to the ER where he was stitched right up with 6 stitches! 

Then yesterday as we were wrapping up a fun filled 4th of July weekend Braxton woke up not feeling the best and it just progressed rapidly! We just took him into the Doctor today and.... HERE WE GO AGAIN!..... Once again it's RSV on top of another ear infection! Poor little guy! We were put on home health once again! He will be on breathing treatments for the next 10 days!

First day with stitches
Here are the beautiful 6 stitches! (bottom right corner)

Fun at the cabin for the 4th of July

Monday, May 4, 2009

Best Buddies...

Well depends on the day to be honest with you! ha ha! We thought we had a break through when Tage started calling Braxton "Buddy" But now Tage still isn't so sure about Braxton. I think we still have some jealousy issues. He doesn't like when Braxtons touches him with out his permission. Tage and Braxton have already fought over the same toy and when Tage cries Braxton starts crying. But all in all Tage can be the best big cousin in the world! He loves taking care of Braxton when his binki falls out! He loves to put it right back in whether Braxton wants it or not. He also loves to feed Braxton when he needs more Cheerios but he always will put one in his mouth before feeding Braxton. (I think Tage benefits from this more) I am sure once they are a little older Tage will love his Buddy Braxton! Here are some fun photos at the park we did for Easter. Thanks Phylica!