
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


NOPE! Nada! ZIP! Zilch!!

I had my 38 week check up yesterday and they were very shocked to see NO progress! I am still at a 1 and it looks like I have gone down the scale a little bit and am only 65% effaced now! I was shocked myself, only because I was cramping all weekend and also had 3 very heavy contractions in a row in the middle of the night on Friday. They lasted 1 min each and were 6 minutes apart. I could barely breath through them. My heart skipped a beat when I thought "What if this is it" I seriously think I am the worst soon to be mom EVER! All I could think of was please NOT TODAY! So I did what they told me to do in my prenatal classes to make sure it was actual labor. I very quietly got up I didn't want to wake up Tyler because I only knew what could happen with that! =0) He would have been getting dressed and would have had those car keys in his hand before I would have even turned over!! =0)

I went and got a big drink of water and changed positions. I then decided Braxton & I needed to have a little chat. So I laid there in my bed and I told him can you PLEASE wait because the laundry isn't done, the house hadn't gotten vacuumed last night, the dishwasher needed to be emptied, etc. and also I had a baby shower in just a few hours! He is a pretty good listener because they stopped just seconds later! =0) I think this is the only part of my mom I have in me! The day she had me she waited to go to the hospital until she cleaned the house from top to bottom. This may be why I came only 2 hrs after her checking in! I know that the house isn't always going to be perfect and that he is just going to come when he is good & ready and I know I will be ecstatic when it does happen, but I just pray we make it at least until October 1st.
Last night I couldn't sleep as usual so I got up and straightened his room again. I went through all his little Jammie's and put them in size order and just sat in his rocking chair! I got butterflies! Right then I regretted the next decision I made with the doctor.

My Dr. asked if he could strip my membranes yesterday and said it's totally up to you and I just looked at him and I got teary eyed and said "Can we not?" "I don't think I am ready?" I am such a chicken!! Please tell me why?!?!
Tyler could not believe I said NO! He was very disappointed but very supportive about my decision. He was completely understanding! He is so great! I just thought of all the things I needed and wanted to do this week including my last baby shower with Tyler's dad's side of the family! They are my absolute favorite! I love being around them, they are just the type of people you can't get enough of and that make you feel so good!! I have so much fun with them! So I don't want to miss that for the world!! I never want to miss anything with that side of the family!

Tyler is still praying he comes early. Now that we have our bags all packed and in the trunk of our car I just know they are going to sit there and that Braxton is going to stay in there until the last min possible. After yesterday I just still think he will come late! I just really can't tell you how shocked I was with no progress! All that cramping and NOTHING?? Hmm!?!?

Tyler & I decided to have a little fun with the last stretch of this pregnancy, so we had our families play a "Guessing Game." with a prize involved. Each person picked a date, how many pounds, ounces, and Inches they think he will be. Each person is really hoping for their day and weight & you can't help but wonder when & what it will be. Last week my doctor already estimated him coming late and as of yesterday he has estimated his weight.
He thinks he is to be in the Mid-High sevens as right now, but thinks he will be just barely over 8 lbs When he decides to come! He said he is always high on guessing the weight! We will have to see about that and who the winner is. Right then I again thought twice about stripping my membranes & wondered if I could change my mind Ha Ha! I hope he slows down a little if he really is that big and isn't planning on coming for a couple more weeks!! But I will take what I get! I can't wait! =0)


Chandra said...

Well let me tell you that is WAY more progress than I EVER had! I NEVER had any cramping or anything and my dr stripped my membranes and the baby still didn't come! He got too big and on his due date my water started to leak so we went in and induced labor and after 28 hours he STILL didn't want to come out so we had a C section. It was absolute bliss, though- the whole process. I would do it all over again in a heart beat!

. Megan and Dayton. said...

Oh my little mandy! Dont feel bad. i just got back from the doctor. And im only a centimeter also... So. Looks like both our babys will be late. haha

McKenzie... said...

I am stressing out for you!!! Your house is ALWAYS perfect so I am sure whenever Braxton arrives he will come home to the cleanest house in the world! I am super excited for you and can't believe it's almost here!!! YEAH!!!!!!!

jayni & ben said...

Ha ha. You are so funny. I couldn't stop laughing at what you were saying. Amanda you are SOOOOOO ready to be a mom. You are going to be the best little mom ever. I can't believe the stuff you are worried about. It seems like you are so organized and have everything ready!?! You just need to tell yourself that you are ready!!! I don't think anyone is ever really ready to be a mom or go into labor. It just happens and when it does you are going to be just fine. Good Luck and I can't wait for updates:]

Annika said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I did the same thing with Kennadi and I would wake up and think, please not tonight....I am not ready! (why is it always in the night) The doctor also asked me if I wanted my membranes stripped and I said no, with Jeff in the room shaking his head. He couldn't wait for her to get here! I was a chicken too, but am so glad I waited. I was only in labor for 9 hours, when they were planning on me being there for 15 or something. I think the babies just come when they are ready, so don't rush anything. Just relax and enjoy your time, although it is hard when you can't sleep or breathe or do much. The nights only get worse with no sleep when they are here!! I am still waiting for some much needed sleep after a week! I am excited for you and Braxton will be here soon enough! I can't wait to see his bedroom. I bet it is darling so you should post pics. Good luck!

Unknown said...

The night before I delivered I wasn't dilated at all so they thought I might go over my due date. Believe me Braxton will come when he wants to! And you are smart to enjoy the stretch of time you two have together, just the two of you. You will be amazed at how much fuller your life will be with the little guy!

Kandra And Brad said...

Amanda- He will come when he is ready. I think you are going to be a great mother. You have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't worry about your house either. Your house has always been really clean ever since I have know you.

Katie said...

Don't be scared.. if I can do it so can you!!! HAHAHAH Just be prepared for crazy town!

Sherilyn said...

I am guessing 8 lbs. 4oz. 19 1/2 " long and the arrival date will be Oct. 3, 2008, You are always prepared. Remember the scriptures tell us that when we are prepared we shall not fear!So, don't fear and stress, just enjoy the journey. It will be over before you know it and this beautiful new little guy will make it all worth it! Good luck and keep us posted.
Love ya,
Aunt Shar