
Monday, October 6, 2008

Still Going Strong

I have gotten so many text messages and phone calls this weekend asking the status on this little guy. So I thought I would give a quick update!

Today I had another Appoitment with my Doctor & I am glad to say it went better than the last few Dr. appointments.
I am back to a 1 & 70% effaced. I guess my body just likes that spot. So my doctor FINALLY was able to strip my membranes. OUCH is all I have to say! Those out there that have had this done may know what I am talking about! I am back home now and I have had a couple small contractions, a lot of pressure and some lower back aches. So I hope maybe that this is giving my body a little jump start! My doctor would really like me to go on my own so he is seeing me again Wednesday morning to strip my membranes once again! So cross your fingers I go on my own. IF not... I will be induced SUNDAY evening now. YAHOO!!! But I really hope and pray I go on my own!

Thanks to everyone for all your sweet texts and phone calls! I wish I had more exciting news but thank you once again for all your love and support. Stay tuned til Wednesday for the next update (Or Sooner!!!!!)


Jaime said...

I am still standing my my prediction of tomorrow! I went into labor the night after my membranes were stripped with both of my boys, so here's hoping you will do the same!

Amber said...

You can't...you are coloring my hair tomorrow! Tomorrow night will be fine...lol

Candice and Tim Peterson said...

Oh man I'm getting anxious for you. I will keep my fingers, legs, arms, hair, etc. crossed that it happens soon and that Braxton decides to come all on his own. Thanks for the updates. Good lick!!!


Dustin and Amy Rasmussen said...

Amanda I am so excited for you. I just wanted you to know I my thoughts are with you. Good luck and I am way excited to see Braxton.

The Watson's said...

You better update the day of! I check your blog everyday. I am such a blog freak that I brought my lab top to the hospital so Seth could write about. Good Luck..you will do great!

Nicole said...

Get some sleep. Sleep all you can, that is all I can say...your sleep will never be the same. (like you can though, with the anticipation and the comfort level when you are full term.) Can't wait to hear when he comes!

The Swapp's said...

I can't wait to see the little guy!! I am so exited for you and it makes me what mine to come faster but i think he needs to wait if he want a home to live in. We are so exited for you and we are waiting for that exiting message. love you guys!

Chandra said...

I can't wait any longer! I am so excited to see him!!! Make it a quit delivery ok, so that we can see pix asap! :-) YAY!!!!!