
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Be Prepared!!

Water Broke.........................

Just kidding!! Not yet but If it does at least I will be prepared here at my work thanks to my boss!
This is what I found when I got back from lunch today... I will have to explain, because I don't know if anyone knows what this picture is all about.
I work with all men and they all have this fear my water is going to break here at work! They have discussed who is going to clean up the mess who is going to carry me out the door or worst case who is going to deliver my baby! They tease me that they are sick of wearing their long johns to work because they are freezing (I tend to keep the AC creeping down all day long, but aren't men suppose to be hot?)
My boss is an avid hunter but when it comes to child birth he is a little apprehensive about the whole thing. His worst fear is my water breaking at work so he got this big old water heater pan (I am a secretary for a plumbing company) and put it under my chair today! He has been convinced all week that my water was going to break at work, he wanted to make sure he was prepared so he didn't have to be the one to clean up the mess(is it that messy) He only has one more day to be right! I was laughing so hard when I got back from lunch and found this and just had to share!


Jaime said...

That's hilarious! I hope something happens soon! You can tell the men at work that MOST women's water does not break on its own, but has to be done by the doctor once labor has progressed quite a ways. It's USUALLY only in the movies and TV that the water breaks and then labor begins. Maybe that will make them feel better.

Katie said...

That's awesome!!!! Hey I was dialted to a 5 and the Doc had to break my water... so, you'll probably not have any problems, but... if your water does break, I've heard that labor hurts like hell afterward! hahaha

The Woody's Fam said...

Hello! I just set my blog to private; I am not just trying to keep you from reading! I had a scary thing happen and don't want any weirdos checking out my kids! I am not sure if I have everyones email address so if you did not receive an invite to read our blog please email me at woody96@earthlink.com and I will gladly add you!



Nielsen Family said...

ha ha... my water broke with both my kids but that isn't very typical. It is not what people think it is either. It isnt this huge gush of water like the movies. Anyway, good luck with the delivery.. I can't wait to see pictures of your little one!

Chandra said...

Ha ha! That is hilarious!!!!

Prina Family said...

Oh my!!! hahaha! pic is sooo funny! Plus, You are a jerk for tricking me like that!

McKenzie... said...

That is freaking hilarious! It kills me. I had a good laugh! I agree with Sierra though that what you did was pretty mean. I seriously thought you may being having a baby today. GEEZ!!

Candice and Tim Peterson said...

You got me too! So no baby yet huh?! Well good luck and keep me posted. I expect a post or a text or something. I'll keep you in my prayers (the thought of labor scares me!!)
