
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Marriage Tag...

~How long have you been married?
1 Year, 9 Months, & 13 Days

~How old is your spouse?

~Who eats more?
Hmmm... I think anyone could answer this..... TYLER!

~Who said I love you first?

~Who is taller?
Ty by 6 inches!

~Who sings better?
Ty, I am so horrible half of the time I mouth the words at church when we sing I am so embarrassed!

~Who is smarter?
Depends on the subject! I would have to say Tyler on most subjects though.

~Who controls the T.V. remote?
I wish I could that's for sure. He will let me get my way most of the time but there is always the rolling of the eyes! ha ha! & of course we have to flip back during EVERY commercial of my show to check the score!!!!!

~Whose temper is worse?
MINE! That's for sure! I married a very patient man!!

~Who does the laundry?
I do, but he is very willing if I need help.

~Who does the dishes?
I would have to hand this one to Ty. I love to cook but the clean up I dread! I would rather scrub a toilet than clean up dishes and load or empty a dishwasher!

~Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Depends on how you look at the bed? Straight on or when you are in it? I always sleep to the left of Ty. It some times depends too because, I hate sleeping by the door, so he will always volunteer to sleep on the side closest to the door if we are in a different bed. I have a good hubby!

~Who cooks dinner?
I do! I LOVE to cook!

~Who is more stubborn?
That would be me!! I need to stop that!

~Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
ALWAYS TY!! This tag is making me look bad! =)

~Whose parents do you see the most?
Well the first half of our marriage & dating we were with Ty's family A LOT!!! Since we have come home from Florida we see my family a lot more! Must be because we lived closer and we got to see Tage more! I really don't know!

~Who has more friends?
Mutual! All of my friends are married so I would say we see my friends more, but Ty is always running into someone he knows every time we go some where.

~Who has more siblings?
I do only by 1! But he beats me with number of grand kids on his side though.

~Who wears the pants in the family?
Hmmm... I would have to say it all depends on what the situation is!


crawford said...

Hey! I can't believe you guys are gonna have a baby! That is awesome. So how is the pregnancy? we all need to hang out sometime!

The Robinson's said...

i still can't believe you are pregnant! i am so excited for you! you look so darling!

Monica Jackman said...

I am so glad to hear that everything is going well. I laugh when I read about how you worry- to this day I think of you when I see raw meat because you were always so scared that you would get mad cow disease. Oh I love it!